| 1. | If you need legal assistance , you can apply for legal aid under the legal aid scheme 如果你需要就你的法律问题提出诉讼或作出抗辩,但经济环境不许可,你可以考虑申请法律援助。 |
| 2. | If you need legal assistance , you can apply for legal aid under the legal aid scheme 如果你需要就你的法律问题提出诉讼或作出抗辩,但经济环境不许可,你可以考虑申请法律援助。 |
| 3. | Throughout the appeal period the claimants were treated fairly and compassionately . all claimants were eligible to apply for legal aid 在上诉期间,声称享有居港权的人士均获得公平和体恤的对待。 |
| 4. | Hitherto , ld would refer employees in the above types of cases to apply for legal aid to take winding - up or bankruptcy proceedings 在此之前,劳工署会将以上个案类别的雇员转介申请法援,以便进行清盘或破产程序。 |
| 5. | If you are applying for legal aid on behalf of your child under 18 years old , there is no need to include the assets or income of you or your spouse here 如果阁下代表未满十八岁的子女申请法律援助,则毋须填报阁下和阁下配偶的财产和收入。 |
| 6. | If a legal aid applicant has an outstanding debt and disposable capital , he can always use his financial resources to repay the debt before applying for legal aid 法援申请人如有未偿还的债务和可动用资产,他可在申请法律援助前,利用本身的财务资源来偿还债务。 |
| 7. | Where an applicant applied for legal aid in the context of pursuing civil claims for the sars cause , the legal aid department would not take into account the ex - gratia assistance received by the applicant in assessing hisher means 申请人如就综合症进行民事申索而申请法律援助,法律援助署在评估申请人的经济状况时不会把其已领取的特别恩恤援助金计算在内; |
| 8. | In addition , while it is technically correct to adjust the limits annually in line with annual consumer price movements , any downward adjustment will have the real effect of reducing the number of people eligible to apply for legal aid in a depressed economy 此外,虽然每年根据年度消费物价的变动来调整限额在技术上属正确,但任何下调在低迷经济情况下将会实质上减少合资格申请法律援助的人数。 |
| 9. | In respect of criminal cases , an applicant could be allowed to apply for two counsel certificates in respect of the same case if the applicant applied for legal aid to appeal against conviction and sentence separately and was refused legal aid on both occasious 有关刑事案件,法援局认为如上诉人申请法律援助就定罪及判刑分别提出上诉,而两次皆被拒批法援,他可以就同一案件申请两份大律师证明书。 |